January 2022

RINEMBA January Meeting: 7:00 p.m. January 4, 2022 by Zoom.

  1. Administration

    1. Secretary? Position posted?

      1. Nothing posted yet – Linda to post on social media to see if there is any interest

    2. Thank you Shannon for cat herding.

    3. Member #’s, account $, etc.

    4. Prez wants financial summary

      1. Major expenditure summary for 2021 - Shannon

    5. New NEMBA COI for state ASAP

      1. Wayne to provide once finalized

  2. Attendance to be taken – Craig has a screenshot of the attendee list

  3. Welcome to any newcomers.

  4. Meeting etiquette.

    1. Keep on topic

    2. No sidebars

    3. Give everyone a chance

    4. Finish meetings in a reasonable time

    5. Please

  5. Browning Mill bridges. Event scheduled (requested) for 2/5. Posted?

    1. Linda/Dennis to post – start at hatchery off Arcadia backside of Browning Mill. 9AM start time, work for a few hours

    2. Breaking of frozen ground, carpentry

    3. Depending on group size, we will determine how much we want to/can cleanup

    4. DEM recommended this be done in February

  6. Diamond Hill trail cleanup. Event scheduled (requested) for 2/5. Posted?  

    1. Linda/Dennis to post 9-12 ish, led by Paul Sullivan

    2. Basic trail maintenance 

    3. Paul will lead a short ride afterward

  7. Chainsaw safety training. Event scheduled (requested) for 2/12 and 2/19. Posted?

    1. 8-4, Arcadia forestry headquarters, cost between $250-$300 NEMBA will cover half the cost

    2. Need own chainsaw, chaps, helmet with ear and face shield, gloves, safety glasses, boots

    3. Confirmed Adam, Cyndi, Chris, Joe, Paul, Dennis – have two open slots

    4. Linda to post to RI NEMBA and then share to RI Mountain Biking

  8. Ryan Park. Nothing new.

  9. Roger Williams Park. Holiday impact; Alan to provide rough map.

  10. DEM:

    1. MOU request. Nothing new, but working on it.

    2. Trail re-route POC discussion... AMC. Nothing new.

    3. Special license for >75. Nothing new.

  11. Elections.

    1. In February 2022 we will:

      1. Formalize rules for future elections (voting eligibility and method, candidate requirements)

      2. Formalize rules for keeping elected individuals

  12. Woman's or Co-ed MTB clinic (Chris P). 3 days (Beginner clinic planned for 4/10, 4/17, 4/24)

    1. Day 1 – mtn bike basics (maintenance, suspension set up, basic needs, )

    2. Days 2 and 3 – basic sills

    3. Coaches ideally 4:1 or 5:1 – Chris P, Chris N to handle finding coaches and coming up with a program

    4. 3/27, 4/3, 4/10 – Chris P and Chris N to finalize dates as well as dates for train the trainer

  13. Skills clinic (Chris N) – Looking for an indoor location for February. Ideally women only (drops, bunny hops, etc.). $55 for clinic, $35 if you join RI NEMBA. Looking for 2,000sq ft area at least. Would like to set up two features.

  14. Meeting street – no news

  15. Grant and One PVD – Dennis has not heard back, Dennis to follow-up again. Jason also has some contacts and will reach-out. Need an answer by end of this week.

  16. Ride area reps? (Mark S)

    1. Should be active in maintenance, fun rides, surrounding community, coordinate and resolve any riding issues. Opportunity to bring smaller areas into focus (Snake Den, for example). Would interface with land trusts. DEM will continue to go through president only (one point person).

      1. Make sense to have two ride area reps? For backups

      2. Likely not realistic to have a rep for every single area in the state

      3. Chris P maintained official list

    2. Woody Hill, Burlingame, Carolina, Westerly Land Trust, Westerly Municipal Land Trust, Hopkinton Land Trust – Paul Kintz & Chris P

      1. Burlingame – Keith Tremblay

      2. Carolina – Linda B

    3. Arcadia, Beach Pond, Camp Yawgoo (not riding there, but ear to the ground) - Dennis

    4. Ryan Park – Should be a resident of North Kingstown

    5. Big River – Alan

    6. Buck Hill, Sprague Hill, George Washington, Pulaski 

    7. Diamond Hill, Lincoln Woods – Jason

    8. Snake Den? – Matt M? 

    9. Weetamoo (Tiverton)

    10. North South Trail

    11. Linda to post (after next meeting) on social media and ask for interest on reps for other less ridden areas

  17. WLT MOU (Chris P/Paul K)

    1. Paul working on drafting for WLT, sending around to board for approval. Some edits suggested in meeting

    2. Once approved to send to corporate for their approval

  18. Any news from corporate?

  19. New Business from board?

    1. Morse’s to begin charging for room use, will need to find a new in-person location

    2. Feb meeting to be virtual again 

    3. Wayne to ask the corporate board about if we need our own bylaws as a chapter

  20. Comments/requests/concerns/questions/complaints from newcomers?

For reference, 2022 event dates:

  • Woody Hill 5/15 (pending approval)

  • Arcadia 6/12 (pending approval)

  • Diamond Hill 8/14 (pending approval)

  • Big River 9/11 (pending approval)

  • Lincoln Woods 11/13 (pending approval)

  • Beginner rides 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 (pending approval)


February 2022


December 2021